Writer of fantasy

Welcome to my website!
I’m Jody Norman, an award-winning writer whose stories often fall into the following genres: portal fantasy, fantasy romance (usually m/m pairings), paranormal romance, and the like. Themes such as Coming of Age frequently run through my writing, too, regardless of the age of my protagonists, since I believe that every new experience and situation offers us the opportunity to grow and change. This understanding is, after all, what ‘coming of age’ is all about, whether it’s a story about someone in their twenties or thirties or older.
I’m the author of award-winning New Trails, the first book in my New Trails fantasy series, and I’m currently working on the sequel, Hidden Trails. New Trails, Book 1, is available at multiple bookstores, including Amazon and B&N. You can download the first five chapters by signing up below.
I have several other series ‘in production,’ as it were, and I hope to publish them in the next few years. I love cosmology, quantum physics, and the paranormal, and hiking wilderness with my dogs and my partner of almost forty years.
Want to know more about me? Check out my longer bio here.

New Trails is a portal fantasy, where Troy, a young man from our world, steps across a threshold and into another one, embarking on an epic journey. He has to learn how to trust — in himself, in his companion Kieran, in his own learning, in the reality of the very different world he finds himself in, one which seems to operate by completely different rules than what he’s used to. And in finding and walking his own path, he finds a life, and a lifework, and a relationship that makes living worthwhile.
Explore my New Trails series on my books page, as well as the other books and series I’m working on!